Monday, January 19, 2009

Edamame is our friend!

The Stats: Per 1/2 cup of shelled Edamame
100 Calories/ 8 grams of protein/ 4 grams of fiber / 3 grams of fat = 1 WW point

Adding them to your diet!
Edamame are available year round in the freezer section of the grocery store.

Boil 3 minutes drain and toss with coarse salt. To eat, squeeze beans out of the inedible pod with your teeth.
Boil 3 minutes; drain. Add about a cup of edamame to a green salad for nutty flavor and crunch. The added protein turns a green salad into a light meal.

Replace sweet green peas with edamame in recipes to pump up the nutritional benefits, or use them in place of lima beans in dishes such as sussotash.
Add edamame to replace garbanzo, black, kidney, or white beans in soups, dips and sauces.

I made them last night, and they were delish!

From the frozen food section

Put frozen pod in a sauce pan

Cover with water and bring to a boil

Once it comes to a boil, let them boil for 3 minutes

Drain, and season (I sprinkled with kosher salt)

Here is the evidence, that I kinda like them! And here is the best news....the 1/2 cup is for SHELLED beans, so if you measure them in the pod I think you eat 1 or 2 cups! Let me know if you try it, or have another great edamame recipes. Allie