So, I did what I did best. Rewarded myself with a big ole plate of delicious cuban food. I justified that it was one entire week before weigh in AND new years eve, so it shouldn't matter. Then the next day I had Qdoba for dinner, because it was just not fair that Justin got to go out to eat with his friend. And then I had a heaping plate of Mediterranean food, because that's what I had really wanted to the night before and I was moving. I deserved the extra calories.
Then came the NEXT weigh in and I was 4 pounds up and mad at the world. I mean really... how can it take 3 weeks to lose 5 pounds and just one week to gain all but one pound back?
After a very long bitch fest to Allison about life is not fair because I wasn't born tall & skinny and my husband was and that mexican food isn't calorie free and neither are cupcakes I came to the end of my rope.
Reaching my goal weight is not the end of the journey it's only the beginning of the rest of my healthy life. I think the hardest thing for me to do was to admit to myself and now to you that I am a reward eater and my reward is ooey-gooey mucho caloric food! For as strong willed as I can be about many things, this is a road block in my brain that I can't move out of the way.
My resolution for next new years eve is to be standing before the camera not only a thinner and stronger me for an evening, but a healthier me for the long haul. This is my lifestyle change and it starts now.