Friday, May 1, 2009

Weekly Weigh In

Ryan-This week I’m flat! I’m discouraged because I should have lost everything by now. I know I’m just in a rut and I’m trying my hardest to get out of it! I’m starting to feel chunky again, I can’t stand looking at myself in pictures and I need to tell myself it’s all in my head. Hopefully this next week will be a weight loss week for me. I need it! I am doing labor around the house and burning calories, I just think my chubbiness doesn’t want to leave me! Hope everyone enjoys their weekend! I have 11,000 pounds of tile to unload on my weekend. I do have helpers, but still! NO FUN!

Ryan: 0 pounds!
TOTAL: -7lbs

Lesli: Happy Friday Friends! I'm spending sometime today in Memphis (Forever 21, Target, Marshalls) doing a little shopping, because I have a closet full of clothes and NOTHING fits!Hallelujah, right? {Also get to lunch with new bloggy friend LeAnna=)) I'm so proud of being to this point, but have been frustrated because I like all my clothes! Good problem to have, right? The alternative is gaining the weight back, and I think I'm too far gone! And I know what you're thinking... you've lost 12lbs, how can none of your clothes fit? I am very short little peanut! It's hard for me to believe too, and I totally look at things and think that would NEVER fit me and it fits perfect and even has wiggle room. I'm happy. I feel like I've hit my stride this month and I'm in such a healthy lifestyle routine.

Week: -1
Total: -12
{also, I realized the other day that my total didn't match up from week to week, so some week I must have messed up, but I am down a solid 12lbs.}

Christina ~ {Lesli reporting in on behalf of Christina} I'm just going to stand back and by amazed by my good friend, because this past week she started a new job, in a new CITY & still managed to get her work outs in! Good girl for tackling those MAJOR life changes head on! Christina will be up and running and most importantly {connected to the internet} by early next week, so we will all get to hear from her then! We've all missed you, sister!

Week: 0
Total: -12
~Allie~ Hey guys. Had to kick my eating into high gear after the nasty gain last week. I got in a lot of veggies, salad and lean chicken! I also tried the Hungry Girl's 200 Under 200 recipe for H O T hot buffalo nuggets I think they were only 160 calories & yummy....I'll report back with pictures and actual recipe soon. I'm happy to say that I lost 2lbs this week, which gets me back to where I started before the Four Fat Chicks weekend! Hope everyone has a great weekend and can get outside and get some exercise!
Week: -2lbs
Total: -22lbs