Do not be deceived... they are hot pink not red and I loved them. Saturday I decided that I HAD to get new tennis shoes due to the exercise plan I've introduced into my lifestyle, and was dead set on these. They didn't EXACTLY have my size, but with any good shoe size is not all that matters. They were so sassy! But dern, they were a little uncomfortable and I'd been in cute but uncomfortable shoes for 2 years now.
So, Ladies... I hiked up my big girl panties and did something terrible rational. I got the stark white, little more expensive shoe that was comfortable and perfect for my athletic needs.
Honest to gawd I think I deserve a big gold star for this, because if I'm guilty of anything I'm certainly guilty of shopping on the cheaper end of things AND buying based on looks instead of functionality.
I just finished up my 4th work out in them and I have to brag... they are great! They are the kind of shoes that you look forward to putting on at the end of a long day. Plus my gym is very close to the airport and I think my new bright white kicks are helping out traffic control.
PS ~ The Fat Chicks are VERY interested to hear about what work outs y'all are doing! We're wanting to feature reviews of the different dvds and routines on our site, but there are only 4 of us and many of you! Please let us know what you're doing and leave us a way to contact you so we can share your story. REMEMBER ~ we're all in this together!