Hi Friends I'm very excited to tell yall about my newest cook-book. My sweet friend Holly got me Hungry Girl's latest cook-book...200 under 200. 200 recipes under 200 calories. Can't wait to share all the great meals I discover.
This is the story of what happens when four seemingly normal girls wake up and realize that their feeling fat days out number their feeling skinny days. Indeed we are four fat chicks that love delicious food, full glasses of wine and handsome men. Usually in that order. Together we are going to knock the cob webs off the gym memberships and figure out meal plans that fit our champagne tastes. They say the hardest thing about being on a diet is shutting up about, so we created this blog to host our recipes, our secrets, and our stories of frustrations and hopefully triumphant success. We are here to challenge and encourage each other as we change our lifestyles. Please, pull up a chair and join us at the table!