I felt good. I looked good. I was ready to see my girls.
From the minute we walked through the hotel my friends showered me with compliments. Allie even went as far as to say that I was half my size! While, not true, it was deeply touching and if I think long and hard enough her words come back to me and make me feel warm and fuzzy all over again.
This past weekend my husband and I had family in town that hadn't seen either of us since the first of January. I don't expect people who see me daily to ever say a word, but I had hoped that when said family was in town and the last time they saw me I was 8lbs heavier and a size or 2 larger that they might notice. I guess I didn't necessarily NEED the compliment, but more like I wanted the reaction.
Want to know what they said? "Justin, I can really tell that you're losing weight!" Punch.In.My.Gut. Of course Justin has GAINED weight recently and had just been complaining to me earlier that morning when he saw his reading on the scale.
No matter how many sweet compliments I get from my husband every day or my friends when they see new pictures of me or from those of you that comment to encourage me on Friday it bugs me to death that the mean ones are the ones we remember.
So, look... Ryan took this picture of me in Las Vegas on the first night, and I love it. I look happy & fabulous and I'm learning that the most important opinion about how I look is my own.
And if anyone hasn't told you lately ~ you look FABULOUS, too!