Then you find yourself like a petty thief...scrambling through their purses while they are not looking...grabbing their cameras and deleting pictures....hoping they are too drunk to remember that 5 of their shots are missing....
But the worst part about can't ever get to EVERYONE....and then you see the dreaded message on facebook.... "You've been Tagged!!!!" Oh we go...
So this is the picture snapped of me, last weekend, at this holiday party.....
Why would they post this? I they HATE me?
When you hear weight loss success stories, you always see those people...sitting on the couch, making that ugly pitiful face surrounded by Cheetos and 2 liter soda bottles... I looked at that picture and realized.....THAT IS ME!!! 28 pounds over weight, miserable, and surrounded by beer and wine bottles... This has GOT to be my before picture...So it is time for a change... i am sick to death of being uncomfortable in my own skin, and i am done making excuses for it....
Since I started last week, i have currently lost 4 pounds.... i haven't decided what my final goal weight will be yet, but my first goal is to loose 18 pounds by March 1, 2009.
With my fellow fat chicks supporting me....I am positive that i can make it happen...