Wednesday, September 2, 2009

~Day 1 Down~ ***GIVEAWAY***

So, how did it go? I saved my Shred for the end of the day & like a nut case I DREADED IT! I've been training for a marathon for the past 4 months and honest to gawd, when Jillian was going through the introduction I had a nervous tummy! Of course it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be & even though my arms are JELLO it went by fast & the cardio part was a snap. Let me get this out in the open - I hate doing abs. Jillian is the ONLY person that can get me to do abs. Not sure why I have a complete aversion to them, but I'd rather put my body through ANYTHING else to not have to do abs! Hopefully Jillian can get me over this mental block!

I've learned through my marathon training, that I am mentally better if I'm counting backwards. That means ~ only 29 days to go! Already out of the 30s! If you ever spend multiple hours running you begin marking strange milestones.

***GiveAway Time***

To make things easier one of our *Challengers* Amy, created a calendar to print out to write in daily workouts to keep track of progress. I loved it so much I thought, "How can I incorporate this into the challenge?" Then I thought... we need a GiveAway. How can we make this calendar apart of the GiveAway? {If you would like for us to email you a copy of this calendar, please let me know!}

SNAP ~ At the end of each week all those who are interested in participating in The FourFatChick's 30 Day Challenge will post a picture of their completed calendar on their BLOG & link back to Then leave us a comment so we can visit your blog & see your calendar! GET CREATIVE WITH YOUR CALENDAR! Decorate it, Take it places, Pose with it, most importantly FILL IT UP!

What's at stake? IF you stick to The FourFatChick's 30 Day Challenge, workout every day of September for at least 20 minutes & post a picture of your weekly calendar you will be entered in a drawing.



You read that right. A $100 GiftCard to Target could be YOURS in 30 days if you choose to complete this challenge. AND ~ because I was busy working on Tuesday & you won't read this until Wednesday I'm going to go ahead and let y'all join the challenge a day late. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE ~ feel free to invite your friends to join in the challenge!

~I chose Target because I LOVE their workout clothes & that they give back to the community.