Don't know about you guys, but I LOVER me some spicy tomato juice/bloody mary mix. I've tried a bunch of varieties and this one is my FAVORITE.
It's thick and zest~ey, pepper~ey & spicy
And the best part is that it's only TWENTY calories. I drink it straight-up as a "mock-tail" but as Lesli reminded me...."Vodka is zero points. Right? It is, isn't it? Well at least it is in my head." So it's DELISH by itself OR as a fabulous diet mixer. It comes in a large glass bottle and is less than $3 at my grocery store.

This is how I drink it. LOTS of crushed ice in my pretty stemless glasses that Toni gave me as a housewarming with a twist of lime. I'm salivating just thinking about it.