who was excited to get on the scale this week? AHHHHH NOT ME! I worked like a crazy person to combat the steak, boursin potatoes, cheese grits, mimosas, ham biscuits, mimosas & wine! (yes, I had so many mimosas I had to count it twice!) All my hard work netted me completely flat, and I'm not mad at the number I'm more mad that I tried to convince myself that my portions were small. I am happy to report that me & Christina took one hell of a spin class before we indulged!
This week is a new week and I've got myself into a good eating and work out routine, so I am setting myself up for success! HOw many of you made weight related resolutions? Share them in the comments, because in the end we are ALL in this together!
xoxo ~ Lesli
Total Loss: 0
Goal: 10
Friday, January 7, 2011