Helllllooooo, Friends! Long time no talk! Maybe you've been wondering where I've been thinking I've fallen off the wagon or perhaps traded in blogging for Ice Cream eating... NO! 2010 has gotten off to a great start for me physically. I started the year off with a food cleanse & detox and it got my head in the right place. I feel better than I have in a long time, and I think I look better than I have in a long time. Instead of focusing on counting points I've been more involved in understanding what I'm eating and making healthy decisions.
FourFatChicks blog definitely changed my work out life and got me into a routine. I no longer feel guilty for skipping the gym, but I try and change things up enough that I never want to skip! I still do a lot of workouts in my living room, because as of today there are no classes offered at my gym. {However, I saw a sign that they expanding & starting classes soon! Maybe Bob Harper will come and teach SPIN!}
I love my exercise channel and being able to try workout videos before I buy them. My next video purchase will DEFINITELY be ~

I do the total body circuit and it seems easy enough to get through, but afterwards... I walk with a limp for 2 days! This is a BIG deal for me, because I work out often enough that I might get a little sore, but not majorly sore for 2 freaking days! The best part is that while going through the circuits you don't feel like you're going to die, but you do have to work for it.
I've seen the video at Target & Wal*Mart and it's on Amazon.com right now for $7.99. Such a good deal to add to your collection! Now, who is excited about Jillian's new yoga video? {Hint, Hint ~ ME!}